Kong.ai HR Recruiter Agent

This agent assists with HR recruitment tasks such as posting jobs and shortlisting candidates.
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Kong.ai HR Recruiter Agent



Apps & Capabilities

  • Scrape URL Scrape URL
    • Scrapes data from a URL.
    • Scrape text data and images from a URL
  • Stark.ai Stark.ai
    • Generate Linkedin Post
    • Generate Linkedin Post
  • LinkedIn LinkedIn
    • Searches for the company in linkedin
    • Get linkedin profile information
  • X X
    • Post a tweet.
    • Delete a retweet with the given source tweet ID.
    • Comment on a tweet.
    • Retweet a tweet.
    • Like a tweet with the given tweet ID.
    • Unlike a tweet with the given tweet ID.
    • Fetch tweets mentioning a specific user.
    • Fetch tweets mentioning the authenticated user.
    • Fetch retweets made by a specific user based on screenname or user_id.
    • Fetch retweets made by the authenticated user.
    • Fetch replies made by a specific user based on screenname or user_id.
    • Fetch replies made by the authenticated user.
    • Fetch favourite tweets of a specific user based on screenname or user_id.
    • Fetch favourite tweets of the authenticated user.
    • Search for tweets with the given query.
    • Perform an advanced search for tweets with the given query, start time, end time, and max results.
    • Returns Tweets composed by a single user, specified by the requested user ID or screenname.
    • Fetch retweets for a specific tweet based on tweet_id.
    • Fetch replies for a specific tweet based on tweet_id.

Browser Agents

  • Indeed Indeed
    • Indeed - Job Post:
  • Naukri Naukri
    • Naukri Job Posting: Post a job automation


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