Kong.ai Marketing Agent

Marketing agent lets you create content, work social media, do SEO link building, send hyper personalized campaigns and even build your website.
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Kong.ai Marketing Agent



Apps & Capabilities

  • Fav.ai Fav.ai
    • Generate advanced email cadence using the given instruction
    • Generate email cadence using provided details and generation instructions
    • Generate Twitter Cadence
    • Generate Linkedin Post
  • Kong Core Kong Core
    • Get list of user integrated apps
    • Get app data by network
  • Scrape URL Scrape URL
    • Scrapes data from a URL.
    • Scrape text data and images from a URL
  • Gmail Gmail
    • Sends an email using Gmail.
  • Facebook Facebook
    • Posts a message to Facebook.
    • Updates a Facebook post.
    • Retrieves posts from Facebook.
    • Retrieves post by id.
    • Deletes a Facebook post.
    • Likes a Facebook post.
    • Likes a Facebook post.
    • Retrieves likes from Post and Post Comment.
    • Retrieves like data by id.
    • Unlikes a Facebook post by post ID.
    • Unlikes a Facebook comment by comment ID.
    • Retrieves comments from Post.
    • Retrieves comment data by id.
    • Post a comment.
    • Updates a comment on a Facebook post.
    • Deletes a comment on a Facebook post.
    • Retrieves timeline from Account.
    • Retrieves tagged posts.
    • Retrieves participating events.
  • Instagram Instagram
    • Retrieves posts from Account.
    • Posts a message to Instagram.
  • LinkedIn LinkedIn
    • Searches for the company in linkedin
    • Get linkedin profile information
  • X X
    • Post a tweet.
    • Delete a retweet with the given source tweet ID.
    • Comment on a tweet.
    • Retweet a tweet.
    • Like a tweet with the given tweet ID.
    • Unlike a tweet with the given tweet ID.
    • Fetch tweets mentioning a specific user.
    • Fetch tweets mentioning the authenticated user.
    • Fetch retweets made by a specific user based on screenname or user_id.
    • Fetch retweets made by the authenticated user.
    • Fetch replies made by a specific user based on screenname or user_id.
    • Fetch replies made by the authenticated user.
    • Fetch favourite tweets of a specific user based on screenname or user_id.
    • Fetch favourite tweets of the authenticated user.
    • Search for tweets with the given query.
    • Perform an advanced search for tweets with the given query, start time, end time, and max results.
    • Returns Tweets composed by a single user, specified by the requested user ID or screenname.
    • Fetch retweets for a specific tweet based on tweet_id.
    • Fetch replies for a specific tweet based on tweet_id.
  • YouTube YouTube
    • Searches for videos on YouTube.
    • Retrieves the details of the videos posted by the authenticated user.
    • Retrieves comments made by the authenticated user on a specific video.
    • Retrieves all playlists of the authenticated user's account.
  • Finder.io Finder.io
    • Retrieves and returns company details.
    • Get Information about company and person by Email
    • Retrieves company and person details.
    • Retrieves person details by Email.
    • Verifies if an email is valid.
    • Verifies if an email is valid without throwing an error.
    • Find email with Combinations.
    • Find email by firstName ,lastName and domain
    • Retrieves phone numbers by Website url
    • Get all the information of the technologies used by your prospective clients
    • Get all the information of the technologies used by your prospective clients
    • Get all the information of the technologies used by your prospective clients
    • Get prospect details based on prospect ID
    • To retrieve relevant data about the technologies associated with the provided domain name. The response contains details such as domain information, source, email, and more.
    • Retrieves information using the phone number from the specified Elasticsearch index. The response contains details like source, phone number, email, and other relevant data.
    • Get domain email details based on domain ID
    • Get phone number details based on phone number ID

Browser Agents

  • Gmail Gmail
    • Gmail - Send Mail:
  • Whatsapp Whatsapp
    • Send Message: Send message to a phone number with a custom message
  • Twitter Twitter
    • Tweet Post: Tweet a post automatic on twitter
  • LinkedIn LinkedIn
    • LinkedIn Send Invite: Send an invite automation with optional message text
    • Linkedin Send Message: Connect Users
    • LinkedIn - Visit Profile:
    • LinkedIn-Comment:
    • LinkedIn Endorse:
    • LinkedIn Post: Automation Post with Message Text
    • Linkedin Job Posting: Create a job automatically


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